Quick & Dirty Charts

CREATING A CHART QUICKLY There are a couple of ways to create a chart. We are going to discuss the  two quickest methods. This is an excerpt from our course  “Creating Effective Charts in Excel”. Often you just want a quick and dirty chart –one that...

X Axis Units in Excel Charts

X Axis Units- Excel Charts I thought I would share this problem I ran into charting so that you don’t start banging your head against the wall as I considered doing. I have used this same data in a many different versions of Excel and never had a problem until...

Gantt Chart for Project Scheduling in Excel

Gantt Chart using Excel A Gantt Chart is used in project scheduling.  It takes each activity and provides a sideways bar to visually show when that activity occurs within the total project.Excel can be used for Gantt Charts using the IF function, the AND function and...