Find Files Easily

Are you an organized person? Is everything at your fingertips? If so, good for you. I, unfortunately, am a bit more unorganized and can spend quite a bit of time looking for a specific Excel file. I have found that adding keywords to a file when I create it, can help...

Go To Special

The Special Uses of Go To Special in Excel Hidden on the Home ribbon in Microsoft Excel, within the Find & Select Button, is an Excel feature that has some very special and generally unknown uses for the CPA.  The feature is Go To Special.  It’s the fourth option...

Only Copy Cells with Data

A Method to Copy Only Cells with Data Have you ever had a couple of columns of data that you wanted to combine into one column?  What do you do when there are blank spaces in some of the columns of data?  Many will cut and paste the data from one column to the other,...