
Contents. 4

Overview.. 6

What is an Array?. 6

Mathematical Operations. 9

Summary Operations. 9

Applying Constants to Arrays. 11

Adding the Sum Function. 12

Using Defined Names. 12

Rules for Creating Named Ranges. 15

Identifying Changes in Values. 16

Review Questions. 18

Comparing Lists. 19

The Match Function. 19

Using ISERROR to Quantify Unmatched Items. 20

Using ISNA to Quantify Unmatched Items. 22

Evaluating Data. 25

Identifying Duplicates in a List. 25

Ignoring Errors. 28

Quantifying Errors. 30

Review Questions. 31

Other Array Uses. 32

Finding a Value in a List. 32

Transposing Data. 33

Creating a Frequency Distribution. 35

Built-In Excel Array Tools. 38

The SUMPRODUCT Function. 38

The Index and Match Functions. 46

The AGGREGATE Function. 52

Review Questions. 57

Keywords/Glossary. 58

Index. 59

Exam Questions. 60

Answers to Review Questions. 63